Insee AnalysesThe resources of 18–24 year olds in 2014 Some major disparities linked with residential situation and activity path

Laura Castell, Insee, Nathalie Missègue, Mickaël Portela, Raphaëlle Rivalin, Drees

In 2014, young people aged between 18 and 24, living in France, had on average €9,530 of individual monetary resources. According to the national survey on the resources of young people, more than half of this amount derived from paid activities, almost a third from assistance from families and around 15% made up of allowances and welfare provision. Those who no longer lived exclusively with their parents had many more resources which were less dispersed than those who were still living at home.

Young adults who continue their studies throughout the year without any paid activity have limited individual resources: €4,390 on average when they live in the family home and €8,890 when they have left. 18–24 year olds who have a job for most of the year have the highest individual resources: €14,870 when they live with their parents and €16,470 for the others. Finally, 18–24 year olds who are inactive or unemployed for most of the year are the least well-off: when they are living with their parents, they have on average €4,220 annually, compared with €7,450 for those who live in their own accommodation.

Insee Analyses
No 28
Paru le :Paru le22/11/2016
Laura Castell, Insee, Nathalie Missègue, Mickaël Portela, Raphaëlle Rivalin, Drees
Insee Analyses No 28- November 2016