Insee PremièreNational economic wealth in 2015 A modest rebound

Sylvain Humbertclaude, division Synthèse générale des comptes, Insee, Fabienne Monteil, direction générale des Statistiques, Banque de France

At the end of 2015, national economic wealth stood at €13,585 billion, or 7.6 times the net domestic product for the year. After a downturn in 2014 (–1.8% in constant euros), it picked up and gained 1.3% in 2015, no longer affected by housing prices. Household wealth increased substantially after a year of weak growth (+2.4% after +0.4% in 2014) and non-financial wealth, consisting mainly of buildings and land, bounced back after a slight fall (+1.2% after –1.4%). Household financial wealth picked up, driven both by significant flows of investments and a sharp increase in stock prices. In 2015, the equity of non-financial corporations also accelerated (+6.7% after +4.2%), mainly due to the valuation of shares held. In addition, these corporations invested more and increased their inventories. Lastly, the net wealth of general government continued its strong decline and stood at only €267 billion at the end of 2015.

Insee Première
No 1626
Paru le :Paru le16/12/2016
Sylvain Humbertclaude, division Synthèse générale des comptes, Insee, Fabienne Monteil, direction générale des Statistiques, Banque de France
Insee Première No 1626- December 2016