Insee PremièreAgriculture in 2015

Guillaume Lubatti et Hélène Casset-Hervio, division Industrie et agriculture, Insee

In 2015, the value of agricultural production, including subsidies, stabilised: rising prices offset lower volumes. Crop and livestock productions moved in opposite directions. The value of crop production increased (+2.5%), despite the decline in volumes, driven by strong price recovery. However, livestock production fell in value (-4.2%): solid volumes were not sufficient to offset falling prices.

At the same time, farmers’ expenses decreased, primarily due to lower energy prices. Consequently, the value added of the agricultural industry increased. The aid measures put in place to deal with a specific situation (livestock crisis and summer drought) and the rise in the tax credit for competitiveness and employment explained the increase in operating subsidies. The decline in agricultural employment also continued. Overall, gross value added at factor cost per worker increased by 3.8%.

Insee Première
No 1608
Paru le :Paru le05/07/2016
Guillaume Lubatti et Hélène Casset-Hervio, division Industrie et agriculture, Insee
Insee Première No 1608- July 2016