Insee PremièreAn increasing number of people work outside their municipality of residence

Maud Coudène, David Levy, pôle Analyse territoriale, Insee

In 2013 in France, 16.7 million people left their municipality of residence every day to go to work, i.e. two out of three people in employment. The proportion of commuters was highest in Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie and Île-de-France. Overall, it increased by six percentage points since 1999, reflecting the growing disconnection between place of residence and place of work. Commuters travelled in the great majority by car. Residents in densely populated municipalities were, however, the exception, being better served by public transport. Compared to 1999, people with a job travelled longer distances to work. Half of them lived more than 15 kilometres from their work, i.e. two kilometres further than in 1999.

Insee Première
No 1605
Paru le :Paru le30/06/2016
Maud Coudène, David Levy, pôle Analyse territoriale, Insee
Insee Première No 1605- June 2016