Agriculture in 2015 - Report for agriculture accounts committee

Hélène Casset-Hervio et Guillaume Lubatti de l'Insee, Direction des Statistiques d'Entreprises (DSE), Division Industrie - Agriculture

In 2015, the value of agricultural output, including subsidies, remained at the same level ; the increase in prices is counterbalanced by the reduction in volume. The value of crop output went up (+ 2.5 %) due to the significant price increase despite the fall in volume. On the contrary the value of animal production decreased (- 4.2 %) on account of a drop in prices notwithstanding the improvement in volume. The agriculture input cost reduced mainly owing to significant decline for energy. Therefore gross value added improved. Subsidies rose thanks to specific aids which were given in order to help agriculture which was facing hard conditions (animal production crisis and heat wave during the summer). Furthermore the implementation of the "crédit d'impôt pour la compétitivité et l'emploi" contributed to the rise in the subsidies. Agricultural labour continued to decline. Eventually gross value added at factor cost per worker increased by 3.8 %.

Documents de travail
No E2016/04
Paru le :Paru le05/07/2016
Hélène Casset-Hervio et Guillaume Lubatti de l'Insee, Direction des Statistiques d'Entreprises (DSE), Division Industrie - Agriculture
Documents de travail No E2016/04- July 2016