Insee FocusAutomotive industry: upturn in production in 2014

Élisabeth Rignols, division Industrie et Agriculture, Insee

In 2014, production by the automotive industry in volume picked up (+3%) as a result of an upturn in demand. Foreign trade was also more dynamic but the external trade deficit worsened slightly, by -2.9 billion euros in value. Salaried jobs continued to decline. In 2013, the automotive industry generated a turnover of 102 billion euros and employed 226,000 payroll workers. It contributed 7% of value added in manufacturing industries. The margin rate improved, despite remaining in decline.

Insee Focus
No 48
Paru le :Paru le14/12/2015
Élisabeth Rignols, division Industrie et Agriculture, Insee
Insee Focus No 48- December 2015