Men and women living as a couple in 2009, 1999 and in previous censuses

Fabienne Daguet

Population censuses data can be used to describe individuals living in a couple by some socio-demographic characteristics. Data and analyses are here presented for 2009 and 1999, together with results of previous censuses, with comparable concepts and scopes. Overall results are here presented since 1962. Proportions of people living in a couple are given by sex and detailed age for years since 1982, as well as by generation (year of birth). From 1999 to 2009, proportions of people living in a couple have decreased for ages 25 to 65. For people under 25, they have stabilized among females and increased among males. By contrast, they have been increasing steadily over the age of 65 since the 1960s because of the decline in mortality. In 2009 as in 1999, over age 45, the more women are qualified, the less frequently they live in a couple. Conversely, under 45 years of age, females who have a short higher education diploma are now those who are the most likely to be living in a couple. Differences by qualification are small among men. However, those with no qualification differ: they live in a couple much less often. In 1999, managers had the lowest propensity to live in a couple among women, at any age. In 2009, they are likely to live in a couple for ages 28 to 43 than those in 1999 at the same ages. It is the only social group in which the proportion of women living in a couple has increased in ten years. In 2009 as in 1999, the proportions are the highest among farmers, tradeswomen and inactive women. The classification appeared to be almost the inverse of men's in 1999 for the others. This is no longer the case in 2009 under age 45. This working document includes other detailed data, in particular by marital status or by region, as well as the age difference between partners in 2009.

Documents de travail
No F1405_Tome2
Paru le :Paru le17/06/2014
Fabienne Daguet
Documents de travail No F1405_Tome2- June 2014