Market services in 2013 Report for services accounts committee

Division « Services » sous la direction de Paul Franceschi, et coordonné par Thierry Méot.

In 2013, non financial market services represent 33 % of the value added of french economy. The volume of their value added increases by 0.2 %, after + 0.6 % in 2012 and + 2.2 % in 2011. Employment slightly falls by 0.2 %, that is a loss of 30 000 jobs in full-time equivalent. The growth of household consumption is stable (+ 0.7 %, after + 0.6 % in 2012), but demand from businesses and administrations slows down, notably for investment (+ 0.2 %, after + 3.6 % in 2012). Telecommunications activities stay the more dynamics. Leisure and cultural activities faintly recover. Market services foreign trade remains balanced.

Documents de travail
No E2014/06
Paru le :Paru le08/07/2014
Division « Services » sous la direction de Paul Franceschi, et coordonné par Thierry Méot.
Documents de travail No E2014/06- July 2014