Rapport du groupe de travail DREES/INSEE/DRJSCS sur les indicateurs locaux de suivi du plan pluriannuel de lutte contre la pauvreté et pour l'inclusion sociale (PPLPIS)


The multi-year plan to fight poverty and to foster social inclusion was adopted 21 January 2013. Its implementation is based on a partnership effort and mobilization of various actors in charge of solidarity policies, at all levels (political, institutional and associative). A mission of the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) was instructed to follow the plan. In order to regionalize the plan, François Chérèque and Simon Vanackere visited all regions to initiate its application. IGAS built a national monitoring board, in collaboration with DREES, DG Social Cohesion and France Strategy. To inform local stakeholders of social policies, DREES, INSEE and Regional Directorates of Youth, Sports and Social Cohesion have led methodological investigations to propose indicators similar to those of the national monitoring board. This report presents the results of these investigations.

Documents de travail
No H2014-02
Paru le :Paru le21/10/2014
Documents de travail No H2014-02- October 2014