The economic situation of trade in 2012

Catherine BASSELIER, Karine DIARD, Laure GENEBES, Stéphanie LEMERLE, Christèle RANNOU-HEIM Florent ROYER sous la direction de Pierre BISCOURP

In 2012, the trade industries were still affected by the economic crisis. The motor trade industry suffered most (- 5.8 % in volume), due to the sharp decrease of automobile purchases made by households. After a robust 3.7 % growth in 2011, the wholesale industry slowed down again in 2012 with sales decreasing in volume by 0.4 %. The activity of the retail trade industry remained stable (+ 0.1 % in volume). The non-food retail trade sector still experienced moderate growth, whereas primarily food retailing and craft sectors contracted slightly. In 2012, the drop in salaried employment was similar in the trade industries and in the economy as a whole (- 0.7 % against - 0.6 %). As in 2011, firm creations in the trade industry slowed down in 2012, but remained dynamic due to the regime of “autoentrepreneur” (one-person business).

Documents de travail
No E2013/03
Paru le :Paru le04/07/2013
Catherine BASSELIER, Karine DIARD, Laure GENEBES, Stéphanie LEMERLE, Christèle RANNOU-HEIM Florent ROYER sous la direction de Pierre BISCOURP
Documents de travail No E2013/03- July 2013