Market services : Report for services accounts committee - December 2010

Marie Élisabeth Hassan, Sandrine Chaumeron, Hélène Genuit, Jeanne Pagès, Christophe Bordet, Jérôme Accardo, Philippe Varrambier et Sonia Ngaha sous la direction de Jérôme Accardo

Part 1 At the end of 2009, market services employed 5.1 million people, nearly 29% of total employment. Almost 54 000 salaried jobs have been lost in market services during the year 2009 (down 1.0 %). Services to businesses are the most affected. Part 2 This part provides key figures on services, for the first time in the new classification of activities (NAF Rév.2), at the most desaggregated level of the national accounts (G et H levels, page 3). For each sector of the services, a 2-page sheet presents information on the number of firms, the turnover, the employment level, the concentration level, a few elements of the sector profit and loss account and a breakdown of its activities.

Documents de travail
No E2010/07
Paru le :Paru le15/12/2010
Marie Élisabeth Hassan, Sandrine Chaumeron, Hélène Genuit, Jeanne Pagès, Christophe Bordet, Jérôme Accardo, Philippe Varrambier et Sonia Ngaha sous la direction de Jérôme Accardo
Documents de travail No E2010/07- December 2010