Market services in 2011

Jérôme Accardo, Thierry Méot, Sandrine Chaumeron, Hélène Genuit, Katell Landru, Sonia Ngaha, Jeanne Pagès, Philippe Varrambier

In 2011, the volume of market services value added increased by 2.2%, almost as in 2010. Employment grew by 2.3%, that makes +156.000 jobs in full-time equivalent. Demand from businesses and administrations, up by 3.2%, is the main factor contributing to this growth. Administrative and support service activities, legal and accounting activities, architectural and engineering activities are the more dynamics, in terms of value added as of production. On the other hand, households demand slows down to +1.1% with the decrease of purchasing power; cultural activities are the most affected. The trade balance of market services clearly recovers, but is still in deficit (€1.8 billion).

Documents de travail
No E2012/03
Paru le :Paru le10/07/2012
Jérôme Accardo, Thierry Méot, Sandrine Chaumeron, Hélène Genuit, Katell Landru, Sonia Ngaha, Jeanne Pagès, Philippe Varrambier
Documents de travail No E2012/03- July 2012