The pension projection package of the Destinie 2 model: user’s guide#(in French)

Didier BLANCHET - Emmanuelle CRENNER

The Destinie model is a dynamic microsimulation model whose main purpose is the long run projection of pensions both at the macro and micro levels. This document presents how such simulations can be built with the new version of the model. They do not rely on a closed ready-made program where variants would be obtained by just changing values for a predetermined set of parameters. The new Destinie 2 model has been rather designed as a toolbox of modules, allowing the construction of ad hoc projection programs that can be tailored to users’ demands. We provide a comprehensive view of this toolbox. This document addresses the needs of both basic users and more advanced ones, including for applications that would eventually require the building of additional modules.

Documents de travail
No G2010/14
Paru le :Paru le01/07/2010
Didier BLANCHET - Emmanuelle CRENNER
Documents de travail No G2010/14- July 2010