Market services in 2007#Report on the accounts

Marie-Élisabeth Hassan, Mahmoud Jlassi, Marie-Dominique Minne, Isabelle Raton, Philippe Varrambier et Grégory Bodeau

Services to companies slowed down in 2007 whereas household services grew faster. The rise in total service industries weakened in 2007: it reached 2.6%. Services to companies slowed down however they remain the main support to the economic growth. They jumped by 2.9% after 4.5% in 2006. New information and communication technologies had still an important impact while telecommunication technology sharply decelerated. On the whole, household services benefited from the rise in French purchasing power: they grew by 1.8% compared with 0.5% in 2006. The credit crisis had a negative impact on the real estate market more precisely in activities such as promotion and housing management. Indeed the growth in these activities decreased from 0.5% to 5.9% as house prices significantly went down.

Documents de travail
No E2008/03
Paru le :Paru le01/06/2008
Marie-Élisabeth Hassan, Mahmoud Jlassi, Marie-Dominique Minne, Isabelle Raton, Philippe Varrambier et Grégory Bodeau
Documents de travail No E2008/03- June 2008