Firms' innovations and economic performances in manufacturing and service industries (trade, transport and financials excluded), comparisons


From 2002 to 2006, firms' market share is more growing or less reducing if firms innovated from 2002 to 2004 than if they did not, all things being equal. The advantage of innovative firms over non innovative is as broad as innovation combines together new product, new process, new organisation or new marketing method, and as the set of novelties is full. In manufacturing and technological services (R&D, computer activities, telecommunication, audiovisual), product and process innovations yield more than organisation and marketing innovations. But this does not hold in other services. Innovation gives an advantage to firms' total factor productivity only by combining at less new product and new process in manufacturing and technological services. These effects derive from econometric estimations : they do not clearly appear in descriptive statistics. They are those which could be observed among identical firms but having innovated differently. These effects should not be hold as causals as far as endogeneity problems could not be correctly resolved.

Documents de travail
No E2009/06
Paru le :Paru le01/06/2009
Documents de travail No E2009/06- June 2009