Market services in 2006#Report on the accounts

Sous la direction de Xavier Niel, la division « Services »

The activity of market services grew faster in 2006. Production rose by 3.1 % by volume, although the production of the whole economy rose by 2.4 %. Almost 98 000 salaried jobs were created in market services, that is to say a growth of 2.0 %. The increase in market services was carried in 2006 by industries depending on new technologies of information and communication : computer services improved by 6.2 % and telecommunications by 6.0 %. Less expected, the activity of renting without an operator also increased by 6.0 %. Real estate activities recovered, but household services (except domestic services) lost momentum and checked the growth of the whole market services, with a global rise of 1.0 %. However, some industries pulled out, like activities of projection of cinema films (+ 7.4 %) or entertainment activities (+ 6.9 %).

Documents de travail
No E2007/06
Paru le :Paru le01/06/2007
Sous la direction de Xavier Niel, la division « Services »
Documents de travail No E2007/06- June 2007