Insee Focus75% of investment concentrated in 11,400 companies

Hervé Bacheré, division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales, Insee

In 2012, 47% of companies in the mainly market sectors made tangible investments. This was the case for 31% of companies without employees and 62% of those with 1 to 9 employees. Small companies suffered more economic constraints: a quarter of those which had not invested generated zero or negative operating profit. The proportion of units which invested rose to 64% in industry and accommodation and catering. The investment was strongly focused: 75% of investments were concentrated in the 1% of companies which invested.

Insee Focus
No 32
Paru le :Paru le02/07/2015
Hervé Bacheré, division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales, Insee
Insee Focus No 32- July 2015