Insee Focus569,200 people died in France in 2013 - Once again, a very high number of deaths

Vanessa Bellamy, division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee

In 2013, 569,200 people died in France. This level, the highest over the last 30 years, can be explained by the structure of the population: the generations having reached the ages with a high mortality rate are slightly more numerous than in the past. The largest number of deaths occurs at the age of 87 for men and 92 for women. Half of the deceased died in the department in which they were born and 60% in the region of their birth. Moreover, one in two died in his or her home town. 70% of the deaths occur in a health establishment or in an old people's home and 25% in the home of the deceased.

Insee Focus
No 13
Paru le :Paru le23/10/2014
Vanessa Bellamy, division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee
Insee Focus No 13- October 2014