Insee FocusThe manufacturing industry saw a slight upturn in production in 2014

Élisabeth Rignols, division Industrie et Agriculture, Insee

In 2014, the output of the manufacturing industry picked up slightly in volume (+0.3%), the external trade deficit (-13.4 billion Euros in value) grew slightly and the number of salaried employees continued to decline. Since 2007 output has shrunk by 10% in volume, with payroll employment down by 15%. In 2013 the manufacturing industry generated turnover of 878 billion Euros, and employed 2.7 million salaried workers. It accounted for 83% of the total value added by the industrial sector.

Insee Focus
No 39
Paru le :Paru le28/10/2015
Élisabeth Rignols, division Industrie et Agriculture, Insee
Insee Focus No 39- October 2015