Insee PremièreWorking in retail or commercial handicrafts

Marceline Bodier et Joëlle Vidalenc, direction des Statistiques démographiques et sociales, Philippe Bourieau, direction des Statistiques d’entreprises, Insee

More than two million people work in retail or commercial handicrafts (bakeries, meat delicatessens...); 19% of them are independent. Workers belong mainly to the socio-occupational category of employees while managers are less represented than in other market sectors. The professions involved are specific to the sector: employees, cashiers, salespeople...  The people working in this sector have usually followed a short technical training course such as the Vocational Studies Certificate (BEP) or the Certificate of Professional Competence (CAP). There are more young people and more women working part-time than in other market sectors. Workers in trade have an open-ended employment contract as often as in other sectors. Working on Saturdays is the rule; working on Sundays is not exceptional.

Insee Première
No 1358
Paru le :Paru le28/06/2011
Marceline Bodier et Joëlle Vidalenc, direction des Statistiques démographiques et sociales, Philippe Bourieau, direction des Statistiques d’entreprises, Insee
Insee Première No 1358- June 2011