Insee PremièreProfessions and their territories

Jean-Michel Floch, département de l’action régionale, Insee, Frédéric Lainé, Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective

Industrial history, the growth of cities and migrations have all fashioned the geography of professions. For instance, industrial workers are overrepresented in the northern and western parts of France, except in Île-de-France. In the Mediterranean regions the range of professions reflects the weight of the residential economy, with, for example, a higher proportion of building workers and certain trade and healthcare professions. Île-de-France occupies a unique position, as certain managerial professions are highly prominent in the region. More broadly, managerial jobs are concentrated in very large urban areas while blue-collar workers are overrepresented in smaller urban areas or isolated municipalities. Managers and civil servants change region within five years more often than other employed persons.

Insee Première
No 1478
Paru le :Paru le12/12/2013
Jean-Michel Floch, département de l’action régionale, Insee, Frédéric Lainé, Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective
Insee Première No 1478- December 2013