Insee PremièreIn thirty years, consumers have reduced their greenhouse gas emissions slightly

Aurélien Poissonnier et Benoît Trinquier, département des Comptes nationaux, Insee

Between 1980 and 2010, households reduced their emissions per head of greenhouse gases (GHG) from automobiles and housing: from 2.9 to 2.5 tonnes CO2 equivalent per year and per person. Although their emissions linked to individual transport progressed slightly, the fall was a result of lower emissions from housing, mainly driven by a move towards fuels that emit less in the way of GHG. There have been significant changes to the basket of fuels that are consumed: giving up on coal, a preference for gas over fuel oil, a switch towards diesel-powered vehicles, the ban on leaded petrol and the development of biofuels. For housing, fluctuations in GHG emissions are driven mainly by climate conditions. For individual transport, they mainly follow changes in the stock of motor vehicles and, more moderately, variations in fuel prices.

Insee Première
No 1445
Paru le :Paru le26/04/2013
Aurélien Poissonnier et Benoît Trinquier, département des Comptes nationaux, Insee
Insee Première No 1445- April 2013