Insee PremièreGeneral government accounts in 2012 – The deficit is falling but debt continues to climb

Sylvain Larrieu, département des Comptes nationaux, Insee, Christophe Dixte, Charlotte Geay, Fabien Gonguet, Roxane Laurent, Alexis Loublier, Brigitte Poiblanc, Juliette Schleich, direction générale du Trésor, Anne Uteza, direction générale des Finances publiques

In 2012, the public deficit notified to the European Commission stood at €98.2 billion, or 4.8% of GDP. Compared to 2011, it was down €7.2 billion, as income grew more rapidly than expenditure. As a proportion of GDP, public revenues increased by 1.2 points and spending by 0.8 points. The public deficit fell particularly for the State and to a lesser extent for social security organisations, while the deficit of local government increased. In 2012, the tax burden stood at 45.0% of GDP, up 1.2 points on 2011. The weight of public debt in relation to GDP progressed by 4.4 points to 90.2%.

Insee Première
No 1446
Paru le :Paru le15/05/2013
Sylvain Larrieu, département des Comptes nationaux, Insee, Christophe Dixte, Charlotte Geay, Fabien Gonguet, Roxane Laurent, Alexis Loublier, Brigitte Poiblanc, Juliette Schleich, direction générale du Trésor, Anne Uteza, direction générale des Finances publiques
Insee Première No 1446- May 2013