Insee PremièreLife expectancy rises, but social inequality in mortality persists

Nathalie Blanpain, division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee

In a quarter-century, French men aged 35 have gained five years of life expectancy and French women four and half. All social categories have benefited from the rise, despite the persistence of gaps between managerial workers (including professionals) (cadres) and manual workers. In the mortality conditions prevailing in 2000-2008, male managerial workers live on average 6.3 years longer than male manual workers. Social inequality is less pronounced among women, with a gap of only 3.0 years between managerial workers (including professionals) and manual workers. Even the life expectancy of female manual workers exceeds that of male managerial workers by a year and a half.

Insee Première
No 1372
Paru le :Paru le05/10/2011
Nathalie Blanpain, division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee
Insee Première No 1372- October 2011