Insee PremièreAssociative life: 16 millions members in 2008

Frédéric Luczak et Fella Nabli, division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee

In 2008, one third of the French population aged 16+, i.e., 15.8 million people, belonged to at least one non-profit organization. Taking multiple memberships into account, community groups totalled around 21 million members. Group activities fall into four main categories: sports, senior citizens' activities, culture, and leisure. Men form the majority and are more likely to join sports clubs, leisure-activity groups, and organizations connected with their working careers, while women tend to prefer organizations with social goals (seniors, rights groups, and pressure groups). Membership increases with age, peaking at age 60-75. It is also more widespread among graduates, management-level workers, intermediate occupations, and higher-income categories. Participation is less common in large cities. More than half of all members participate in group activities on a volunteer basis.

Insee Première
No 1327
Paru le :Paru le10/12/2010
Frédéric Luczak et Fella Nabli, division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee
Insee Première No 1327- December 2010