Insee PremièreDisability- and health-related discrimination

Gérard Bouvier et Xavier Niel, division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee

Five percent of young French people aged 10-24 report suffering from motor, sensory or cognitive deficiencies and limitations that could qualify them as disabled. Forty-one percent report having suffered from discrimination during their life because of their health condition or a disability. This proportion is eight times as high as the value observed among young people without disabilities. Young people with a cognitive deficiency tend to report exclusion. The motor disabled whose education has been disrupted or interrupted for health reasons more commonly report denial of rights. At school, young people with hearing or visual deficiencies are more likely to report unfair treatment or denial of rights than the young motor disabled. The latter are more commonly made fun of or insulted. Adults aged 25-54 are twice as likely to suffer from disabilities than young people. But only one-quarter report discrimination due to their disability or health status. Unemployed people with sensory or cognitive deficiencies often mention unfair treatment or denial of rights. In the workplace, such discrimination is more commonly reported by the motor disabled.

Insee Première
No 1308
Paru le :Paru le30/07/2010
Gérard Bouvier et Xavier Niel, division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee
Insee Première No 1308- July 2010