Insee PremièrePopulation of French regions in 2040: demographic growth gaps could narrow

Olivier Léon, pôle Emploi-Population, Insee

If recent demographic trends persist, the French population is expected to grow 15% by 2040. In metropolitan France (mainland + Corsica), it should remain concentrated in southern and western areas, by contrast to certain north-eastern regions. However, in Mediterranean regions, net migration to and from other regions could shift less rapidly than in the 1990-2007 period-by contrast with the Auvergne, Limousin, and Atlantic-coast regions. Inter-regional migrations will shape regional demographic dynamics more than the natural increase, for the number of deaths will rise as baby-boomers enter the “oldest old” group.

Insee Première
No 1326
Paru le :Paru le07/12/2010
Olivier Léon, pôle Emploi-Population, Insee
Insee Première No 1326- December 2010