Survey of visits to places of remembrance 


Paru le :Paru le23/01/2025

The Survey of Attendance to Remembrance Places (SARP) is an annual statistical survey carried out by the EOD on visits to places of remembrance of contemporary conflicts in mainland France.

The SARP concerns a very heterogeneous tourist sector in terms of practices (guided or unguided visits), clienteles (groups, schoolchildren, foreigners), memorial sites (witness, commemorative, informative, educational) and actors (local authorities, associations, ministries, foreign states, etc.). The tourist activity consists in visiting memorial sites.

The Internet collection is completed for non-respondent sites by a telephone reminder during which the service provider connects with the site identifier and completes the questionnaire live on the Internet under his or her dictation.

l2The 2019 SARP is the first public statistics survey carried out on remembrance tourism at national level. The SARP was set up to replace an existing survey mechanism ("remembrance tourism" survey) previously carried out by the Directorate of Heritage, Memory and Archives (DHMA) of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, at partner sites and make it a public statistics operation. In 2019, EOD published the first results from the new system called "The Survey of Attendance to Remembrance Places", SARP (Statistics EcoDef number 131, July 2019).

The renovation consisted of:

  • the creation of a database characterising the offer of sites in terms of remembrance tourism,

  • the implementation of an outsourced Internet survey system.

The EOD became the project manager for the survey in close collaboration with the DHMA. The scope of the survey changes each year according to the demography of the sites surveyed (extensions of existing sites, closures of existing sites, opening of new sites, etc.).

In 2019 SARP, the questionnaire includes a thematic section on employment. Apart from the DHMA, other bodies were collecting information on memorial tourism, but on an ad hoc basis and at a sub-national level. See for example:

The SARP collection is taking place in 3 waves during the years 2019 to 2021. In each collection year N, the attendance of the sites for the years N-1 and N-2 is requested. At the end of the 3 waves, site attendance will be available for the period 2017 to 2020.

Documentation par millésimes


Economic Observatory for Defence

