Survey on the organisational changes and information and communication technologies
- companies section
The C.O.I. inquiry. is a system of coupled company / employee surveys on organizational changes and computerization. The "companies" component of the survey (IOC-ICT survey) seeks to identify how the company mobilises the tools for managing work organisation and human resources and the technical tools commonly referred to as ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).
Collecting data from employees (IOC employee surveys) provides additional information to the "companies" section on the organisational characteristics of work centers and the uses of ICT.
The COI-TIC survey focuses on changes in organization and computerization within companies and the use of ICT (intranet, e-commerce, etc.) but also on the company's relations with its customers/suppliers. It concerns enterprises with 10 or more employees in the market sectors (including financial services and insurance services), i. e. a sample of 17,125 units of which 493 are in the financial sector. The ICT part of the survey corresponds to the first application of a European framework regulation of 21 April 2004 on enterprises and the information society (n°808/2004).
Collection and seizure of the survey took place from mid-November 2005 to mid-April 2006.
This survey is a reprint of a survey conducted in 1997.
Punctual or aperiodic