The CI-RMA is a work contract designed for beneficiaries of the statutory minimums: beneficiaries of the RMI, the specific solidarity allowance (ASS), the one-parent benefit (API) or the disabled adult benefit (AAH).
It is a fixed-term or open-ended work contract, either part-time (minimum 20 hours a week) or full time. The CI-RMA is signed for a minimum term of 6 months (or 3 months for certain beneficiaries) and is renewable.
In order to qualify for recruitment subsidies, businesses sign an agreement with the Pôle Emploi if the employee is a beneficiary of the ASS, the API or the AAH, and with the General Council if the employee is a beneficiary of the AAH.
The employer receives aid:
- flat-rate aid equal to the amount of the RMI for a single person;
- possible accumulation with certain measures for the reduction of or exemption from social contributions.
From 1st January 2010, the CI-RMA has ceased to exist as such and has been replaced by the CUI-CIE.