Created by Law n°2008-1249 of 1st December 2008 in order to generalise the minimum solidarity income and to reform integration policies, the single integration contract (CUI) came into force on 1st January 2010 (in the overseas departments, the entry into force is planned for 1st January 2011).
From 1st January 2010 and following the introduction of this new contract, it is no longer possible to sign "future contracts" or integration - minimum earned income contracts (CI-RMA).
In the overseas departments, as the implementation of the single integration contract is planned for 1st January 2011, it is still possible to sign CIRMA and "future contracts" until 31 December 2010.
The single integration contract, which aims to facilitate the professional integration of jobseekers encountering social and professional difficulties finding a job, comes in two forms:
- the CUI - Employment Initiative Contract (CUI-CIE) is for employers in the market sector and entitles them to financial aid without any specific exemption from social contributions;
- the CUI - Employment Support Contract (CUI-CAE) is for employers in the non-market sector and entitles them to financial aid and specific exemption from social contributions.
The CUI succeeds the Employment Support Contract (CAE) in the non-market sector and the Employment Initiative Contract (CIE) in the market sector.