Young people in enterprise contract / CJE or SEJE / SEJE (Soutien à l'emploi des jeunes en entreprise) / CJE


Dernière mise à jour le :13/10/2016


The Young People in Enterprise Contract (CJE) which is also defined by the "Support for young people employed in enterprise" (SEJE) scheme, aims to promote the recruitment of young people who are at risk of long-term unemployment into open-ended contracts, by payment of a fixed-rate aid to the employer by the State. Established in the second half of 2002, this measure has been reformed several times.

It currently applies to young people between the ages of 16 and 25 inclusive :

  • who have a level of education inferior to a final diploma from a secondary education institution, either general, technical or professional ;
  • or who are resident in a sensitive urban zone (ZUS) or have a social integration contract, regardless of their qualification level.

State aid is granted for a period of 2 years, with a 50% reduction in the second year (equal to 400 euros per month in the first year and 200 Euros in the second year, for young people recruited to a full-time contract since 15th June 2006).