The Employment Support Contract (CAE) is a fixed-term employment contract intended to facilitate the professional integration of unemployed persons encountering particular social and professional difficulties in finding employment. Its minimum duration is 6 months and its maximum duration 24 months, including any renewals; it can be part-time (with a minimum of 20 hours a week, with a few exceptions) or full-time.
The possibility of signing an Employment Support Contract is open to employers in the non-market sector (essentially local authorities, other corporate bodies under public law, private corporations responsible for managing a public service, associations). Signing this type of contract entitles the employer to various kinds of aid : exemption from employer social contributions on pay up to the minimum wage, wage support allowances fixed as a percentage of the minimum wage (up to 95% of the minimum wage).
The Employment Support Contract and the Future Contract replaced the Employment Solidarity Contract and the Consolidated Employment Contract from 1st May 2005.
As of 1st January 2010, the Employment Support Contract has been replaced by the Single Integration Contract for the Non-Market Sector (CUI-CAE).