The consequences of the COVID-19 health crisis Economic, demographic and societal impacts
Economic Outlook
INSEE regularly disseminates information on the number of deaths per day since 1 March 2020. The analysis provided at national and local (regional and departmental)
levels focuses on the evolution of deaths by gender, age and place of death.
The maps and graphs are accompanied by downloadable files.
INSEE also published a comparative study on excess mortality across European countries.
Living Conditions
INSEE releases a dossier on the usual household living conditions. It includes information
on two themes, in particular: housing occupation and people living alone; it consists
of a national study, maps and a lot of information at regional and departmental level.
Many indicators are suggested, such as the proportion of households living
in over-occupied housing or the proportion of people aged 75 or over living in poverty.
The announcement of the lockdown on 16 March and its implementation from midday
on 17 March were accompanied by population movements in Metropolitan France. INSEE
is providing initial experimental statistical results on displacements caused by that
announcement and on the new distribution of the population throughout the territory.
The work presented is the result of collaboration between Orange, Bouygues
Telecom and INSEE.
INSEE continued to conduct its household and business surveys. The survey programme
and the survey collection method have been adapted to the context: surveys of individuals
were conducted by telephone and the internet. Numerous fake field enumerators claiming
to work for INSEE have been taking advantage of the context to deceive individuals.
Business surveys were completed online. Their continuation was essential for
the continued measurement of the country’s economic activity and the dissemination
of the main economic indicators.
The INSEE Blog
During the crisis, the INSEE Blog is adapting its content in accordance with the current circumstances. Multiple articles have thus been published, such as “Official Statistics and the Challenge of the Current Health Crisis” or “Dying from Influenza or Coronavirus: making the Death Figures published by INSEE Talk... in an Analytical Manner...” [“Mourir de la grippe ou du coronavirus : faire parler les chiffres de décès publiés par l’Insee… avec discernement…”].
During the health crisis, an economic activity outlook update is regularly published and relies on less conventional sources (information on bank card transactions, statistics from search engines, etc.).
INSEE is continuing to produce and disseminate monthly and quarterly indicators (consumer prices, producer prices, etc.) to allow analysis of the evolution of the country’s economic situation.
Finally, INSEE has also estimated the proportion of businesses closed.