Courrier des statistiques N1 - 2018
The first issue has already been published. It includes an article by the General
Director of INSEE on the administrative structure of the French official statistical
system based on his presentation delivered at the World Statistics Congress of the
International Statistical Institute in 2017.
A four-part dossier then examines the use of administrative sources in statistics,
with, among others, a presentation of the French electronic reporting system designed
for employers known as the DSN (standing for déclaration sociale nominative, or Nominal Social Declaration) by the Director of the French Public Interest Group
(GIP) ‘Modernisation of Social Declarations’. The focus then turns to another topic
altogether: the implementation of the global system enabling unique identification
of legal entities participating in financial transactions (known as the Legal Entity
Identifier, or LEI) and the role played by INSEE in this area. Finally, the last article
provides an informative overview of the notion of official statistics in its various
facets at both the French and European levels.
Courrier des statistiques
Paru le :Paru le06/12/2018
Courrier des statistiques