Insee Première · March 2024 · n° 1990
Insee PremièreIn French Polynesia, the population increased modestly, by 1% between 2017 and 2022

Charly Bodet, Éric Mignard, Julie Pasquier (Institut de la statistique de la Polynésie française)

In 2022, 279,000 people lived in French Polynesia. Over five years, the population grew by 570 people per year, a pace that has slowed over the past 20 years. It was increasing across all archipelagos, except for the Australes and the Tuamotu, and more rapidly in the rural area of the island of Tahiti.

The surplus of births over deaths remained the sole driver of demographic growth, but it was decreasing due to a decline in fertility. Departures from French Polynesia outnumbered arrivals: notably, over five years, one in five young people aged 18 to 25 had left the territory.

The average number of people per household continued to decrease: 3.3 in 2022, down from 3.5 in 2017.

Over five years, the employment rate increased by three percentage points, and the proportion of executive jobs held by native Polynesians increased by six points. The employment rate was rising in the construction sector, driven by sustained tourist activity and the construction of new housing. In particular, the number of second homes increased by 37% over five years.

Insee Première
No 1990
Paru le :Paru le28/03/2024