Review a commercial or professional lease

Dernière mise à jour le : 16/09/2016

Commercial lease

Two indices can be used to review commercial leases :

  • the Commercial Rent Index for commercial and craft activities,
  • the Tertiary Activities Rent Index for tertiary activities other than commercial activities which are conducted on professional premises, particularly the professions and activities in logistics warehouses.

Commercial Rent Index (CRI)

Tertiary Activities Rent Index (TARI)

Professional lease (other than commercial)

Note : professional leases are subject to Article 57A of Law no. 86-1290 law of 23 December 1986 designed to encourage investment in rental property, social housing ownership and the development of the property offering. They may continue to use the CCI in their indexing.

As of 1es September 2014, the Cost of Construction Index (CCI) is no longer one of the indices proposed as a reference index for commercial leases. Depending on the activity concerned, the CRI or TARI can serve as a reference for the review or signature of commercial leases.