Insee Focus · November 2021 · n° 254
Insee Focus37.2 million dwellings in France on 1st January 2021

Camille Freppel (Insee)

On 1st January 2021, French housing stock, excluding Mayotte, amounted to 37.2 million housing units. In mainland France, 82% of housing units were main residences and 55% were individual housing units. The proportion of main residences has slightly decreased for about 15 years, in favour of vacant accomodations and second homes more recently. 16% of main residences were located in the Paris region, while 37% of second homes or occasional accomodations were situated in non-urban units. The proportion of home-owners had increased until 2010 and remained stable around 58% since then. Housing stock has grown more quickly in the overseas territories than in mainland France, approximately 2.4% annually on average since 1982, compared to 1.1% in mainland France.

Insee Focus
No 254
Paru le :Paru le09/11/2021