Insee Focus43% of very high-income earners reside in Île-de-France

Marina Robin (division Statistiques régionales et locales, Insee), Simon Guevara (pôle Revenus fiscaux et sociaux, Insee)

As of 2017, 43% of those belonging to a very high-income French household, i.e. the wealthiest 1% in the country, resided in Île-de-France. They were also highly prevalent in metropolitan, coastal and border regions. Salaried employment was their main source of income, as is the case for all households. However, very high-income households were more likely to receive non-wage income and assets. They were more likely to be couples without children or households with at least one member over the age of 60. The profile of these households as well as their levels and sources of income vary according to the population density of the region in which they were resident.

Insee Focus
No 192
Paru le :Paru le12/05/2020
Marina Robin (division Statistiques régionales et locales, Insee), Simon Guevara (pôle Revenus fiscaux et sociaux, Insee)
Insee Focus No 192- May 2020