Insee PremièreEntrepreneurs: the line between employment and entrepreneurship is becoming blurred

Damien Richet, pôle Démographie des entreprises et des établissements, Nicolas Bignon et
Henri Mariotte, division Infrastructures et répertoire statistiques, Insee

In 2014, entrepreneurs tended to fall into one of seven standard profiles, for the most part already seen in the 2010 entrepreneur population. The "young graduate creator" profile was on the rise in 2014 (8% of creators). Their entry into the labour market through business creation, mostly under the self-employment regime, seems to be confirmed as an alternative to salaried employment.

Those seeking a job or supplementary income fall into one of three main categories: "employees in an additional activity", "pensioners" and "creators in education and health" (31% of creators).

Many entrepreneurs are looking primarily to create their own jobs. This is particularly true of two profiles: the "unemployed" and the "creators remote from employment" (40% of creators).

Lastly, "experienced creators" (21% of creators), who already have experience in creating or running a business, create companies with greater resources and more favourable development prospects.

Insee Première
No 1701
Paru le :Paru le27/06/2018
Damien Richet, pôle Démographie des entreprises et des établissements, Nicolas Bignon et
Henri Mariotte, division Infrastructures et répertoire statistiques, Insee
Insee Première No 1701- June 2018