Insee FocusIn 2014, 818,565 babies were born in France - one new-born in ten takes the surname of both parents

Vanessa Bellamy, division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee

In 2014, 818,565 babies were born in France. The number of births registered in 2014 was stable compared with 2013 (excluding Mayotte). Since 2005 over 2200 babies have been born each day, on average. While the vast majority of babies born in 2014 are given their father's surname (83%), one in ten has the surnames of both parents. This practice may reflect the marital status of the parents, their country of origin and the region in which they live. Children are much more likely to have a double surname if their parents were born in Spain or Portugal. This is also the case for those living in the south-west of France.

Insee Focus
No 33
Paru le :Paru le01/09/2015
Vanessa Bellamy, division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee
Insee Focus No 33- September 2015