Insee PremièreMayotte, France's youngest department

Julien Balicchi, Jean-Pierre Bini, Véronique Daudin, Nelly Actif, Jannick Rivière, direction régionale La Réunion-Mayotte, Insee

At 21 August 2012, 212,600 people lived in Mayotte. Between 2007 and 2012 population growth was still sustained (+ 2.7% per year on average), but less than in previous years. It was entirely due to the births to deaths surplus. More than half the population is aged under 18, making Mayotte France's youngest department. The migration balance is still negative: young people in particular emigrate in increasing numbers to continue their studies or join the labour market. The share of the population of foreign nationality has stabilised at around 40%. Almost four foreigners out of ten are minors born in Mayotte, who will qualify for French nationality when they reach adulthood. The level of qualification has progressed but is still low: 71% of the population has no degree. Access to employment is difficult: only three people out of ten of working age have a job. This size of dwellings has increased and the share of vacant housing is still high (12%). Housing conditions have improved, with access to water doubling since 2007. However, as in 2007, one dwelling out of three is a house made of iron.

Insee Première
No 1488
Paru le :Paru le06/02/2014
Julien Balicchi, Jean-Pierre Bini, Véronique Daudin, Nelly Actif, Jannick Rivière, direction régionale La Réunion-Mayotte, Insee
Insee Première No 1488- February 2014