Permanent database of facilities 


Paru le :Paru le24/04/2024

The permanent database of facilities (BPE) is a statistical database. It lists a wide range of equipment and services, merchant or not, accessible to the public throughout France on January, 1st each year.

In 2021, it covers 188 different types of services and facilities, divided into seven main groups : personal services, businesses, education, health and social services, transport-travel, sports-leisure-culture and tourism. 

BPE is built from various administrative sources. It collects data on access points to services intended for the population, or "equipment", located at fine geographical levels : municipalities, sub-municipal territories (Iris) and coordinates (x,y) for most types of equipment.

By the detailed knowledge of the territories it allows, BPE is a decision-making aid tool. IIt makes it possible in particular to study the structure of the supply of services in a territory: volume of equipment, presence or absence, concentration or dispersion, identification of service centers or territories without services, calculation of distances between municipalities equipped and not equipped, calculation of equipment rates by bringing together equipment and its potential users, setting up of equipment baskets on a particular topic, etc.

The BPE also offers a grid for reading the territories by grouping certain types of equipment into sets called <>: the ranges bring together equipment that present similar logics of implantation, in the sense that they are frequently present in the same municipalities. These groupings make it possible to develop synthetic indicators reflecting the hierarchical organization of the territories in terms of services to the population.

Since September 2018, data on BPE have been released in evolution throughout the territory, excluding Mayotte. They cover a limited number of types of facilities and two years spaced five years apart : 2012-2017, 2013-2018, 2014-2019, 2015-2020, 2016-2021.

The permanent base of equipment replaces the municipal inventory, the last of which was carried out in 1998. Its first diffusion concerns data from 2008. These are updated each year, instead of every 7 or 8 years with the municipal inventory. The BPE lists moreover a greater variety of equipment (188 in 2021 instead of 36) ; their location is also more accurate, in Iris or even in coordinates (x, y).
It covers the Metropolitan France and the five overseas departments.
Since 2018, an evolution database on a five-year period has been uploaded each year, it relates to a limited number of types of equipment, determined each year following a valuation.

Documentation par millésimes

Administrative data

