tableauSAL G1 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) by socio-economic category in 2022
SAL G1 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) by socio-economic category in 2022
Managerial staff *
Intermediate professions
* Managerial staff, higher intellectual professions and salaried business leaders
Scope: Private-sector employees, including recipients of subsidized employment contracts
and professional training contracts; excluding apprentices, interns, agricultural
workers, and employees of private households.
Source: Insee, All employees database, file of employees at place of residence in
geography as of 01/01/2024.
graphiqueSAL G1 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) by socio-economic category in 2022
tableauSAL G3 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by
socio-economic category in 2022
SAL G3 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by
socio-economic category in 2022
Difference (in%)
Managerial staff *
Intermediate professions
* Managerial staff, higher intellectual professions and salaried business leaders
Scope: Private-sector employees, including recipients of subsidized employment contracts
and professional training contracts; excluding apprentices, interns, agricultural
workers, and employees of private households.
Source: Insee, All employees database, file of employees at place of residence in
geography as of 01/01/2024.
graphiqueSAL G3 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by
socio-economic category in 2022
tableauSAL T1 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) by age in 2022
SAL T1 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) by age in 2022
15 to 25 years old
26 to 50 years old
50 years old or above
Scope: Private-sector employees, including recipients of subsidized employment contracts
and professional training contracts; excluding apprentices, interns, agricultural
workers, and employees of private households.
Source: Insee, All employees database, file of employees at place of residence in
geography as of 01/01/2024.
tableauSAL G4 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by
age in 2022
SAL G4 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by
age in 2022
Gender pay gap (in%)
15 to 25 years old
26 to 50 years old
50 years old or above
Scope: Private-sector employees, including recipients of subsidized employment contracts
and professional training contracts; excluding apprentices, interns, agricultural
workers, and employees of private households.
Source: Insee, All employees database, file of employees at place of residence in
geography as of 01/01/2024.
graphiqueSAL G4 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by
age in 2022
Establishment characteristics at the end of 2022
Living zone 2022 of Charly-sur-Marne (02163)
tableauRES T1P - Active establishments as employers by aggregate sector of activity and size
at the end of 2022
RES T1P - Active establishments as employers by aggregate sector of activity and size
at the end of 2022
Declarative judgments of birth: Any birth occurring on French territory must be the subject of a declaration to the
Civil register within three days of giving birth, giving rise to an act. If this declaration
has not been made within this legal period, it is the subject of a declaration of
birth giving rise to a transcription in the civil status registers.
Declarations of death: When death is insured but the body could not be found (plane crash, disappearance
at sea ...), a declaratory judgment of death is drawn up which results in transcription
on the civil status registers.
Tax household: Household made up of the grouping of tax households listed in the same dwelling.
Its existence in a given year is due to the fact that at least an independent declaration
of income coincides with the occupation of a dwelling known to the Housing Tax. Households
made up of people who do not have their fiscal independence (mainly students) are
counted in households where they declare their income even if they occupy independent
Average hourly net salary: Result of the quotient of the mass of net wages compared to the number of salaried
hours calculated on all the positions carried out by the employee during the year
(excluding unemployment benefits). The number of paid hours takes into account paid
overtime and all the periods during which the employee remains linked to an establishment
due to the employment contract (leave, period of illness and accident at work), at
the exception of periods of unpaid leave.
Market activity: The activity of a company is qualified as market if its operating expenses are normally
covered for more than 50 % through the sale of its production. The activity of an
establishment is market if this establishment contributes essentially to the production
of a good or service considered to be market, either by nature or because its selling
price exceeds 50 % of its production costs.
Public domain: An establishment belongs to this area if it is part of a legal category 7 enterprise
(legal person or body subject to administrative law) or if more than half of its workforce
is part of the State civil service.
The definitions of other concepts allowing a better understanding of the variables
are accessible on
Population censuses
The data are offered to users in particular for comparing municipalities, grouping
variable categories or obtaining results on personalized sets of municipalities.
Derived from calculations linked to sampling techniques, the data in terms of numbers
are provided with several decimal places; these must be used for all calculations
carried out, in order to avoid rounding errors.
These sheets present the characteristics of the population census and deal with their
consequences on the use of the data.
They specify in particular the changes affecting the main statistical variables and
their comparability with previous censuses.
Civil register
Annual statistics concerning domiciled birthsare drawn up from the statistical bulletins of civil status, drawn up by the mayors,
at the time and in the municipality where the births take place.
They relate to births having taken place in all the municipalities of France. Births
that took place abroad or in the overseas communities (COM) are not counted.
The "commune" variable corresponds to the commune of the mother's domicile in France.
The statistics include declarative judgments of birth, but do not take into account
Annual statistics concerning domiciled deathsare drawn up from civil status statistics bulletins drawn up by the mayors,
at the time and in the municipality where the deaths took place.
They relate to deaths that have occurred in all municipalities in France. Deaths having
occurred abroad or in overseas communities (COM) are not counted.
The "commune" variable corresponds to the commune of the deceased's domicile in France.
The statistics include declarative judgments of deaths.
Localised disposable income system (Filosofi)
The scope covered is that of all ordinary tax households: it excludes people who are
homeless or living in institutions (prison, home, retirement home, etc.).
The share of taxed households is calculated on the basis of households whose declared
income is positive or zero.
Other indicators are calculated on the basis of households with positive or zero disposable
Municipalities without inhabitant or without inhabitant subject to the housing tax
are not in the list of municipalities.
All employees databases
The statistics are compiled from information collected on private sector companies
and public companies located in France.
Statistics on socio-professional categories relate to the main position occupied by
the employee during the year, excluding agriculture and undefined socio-professional
People whose age is not indicated and minors are also excluded from the statistical
Business Demography Information System (SIDE)
The indicators relate to the creation and inventory of businesses and establishments
in all non-agricultural productive and market activities.
This scope includes financial activities.
When a company has several establishments, it is located at its head office.
The number of business or establishment creations corresponds to the number of businesses
or establishments created during year N.
The number of companies or legal entities in year N corresponds to the number of economically
active companies or legal entities in year N.
Pay and salaried employment localized file (Flores)
The Flores system (Pay and salaried employment localized file) covers establishments
that have employed at least one employee during the year, in France excluding Mayotte.
In this municipal database, the data made available is also restricted to establishments
active at the end of the year (last week of December),
which excludes establishments which ceased their activity during the year.
The salaried workforce at the end of the year corresponds to the number of positions
present in the last week of December in the employing establishment.
The workforce at the end of the year in some establishments may therefore be zero,
if the employee (s) during the year were no longer employed at the end of December.
Flores covers all salaried employment, regardless of the sector of activity and the
type of employer (public or private, including individual employers).
Establishments under the Ministry of the Armed Forces (military personnel as well
as civilians) are excluded from the scope.
The Flores device succeeds Clap, whose last vintage described the year 2015. The results
from Flores and Clap are not comparable,
and therefore should not be the subject of evolving comparative analyzes.
-Clap covered all active establishments, employers and non-employers. The number of
establishments with zero staff at the end of the year was therefore much higher in
because of this difference in field.
- Conversely, Clap only counted so-called non-ancillary jobs, that is to say those
exceeding a certain threshold of remuneration and / or duration.
This restriction has been removed in Flores, which counts all workstations.
Hotel occupancy survey
The scope covers tourist hotels, classified or not, with more than 5 bedrooms and
campsites with more than 10 pitches, classified or not, including residential campsites.
It also covers other collective tourist accommodation.
Statistics on the accommodation offer are established in conjunction with the regional
tourism committees (CRT) and the general management of enterprises (DGE).
They are offered at municipal level for France (excluding Mayotte).
The statistics concerning the outdoor hotel business relate to the campsites offering
sites for transient customers intended for tourists who do not choose to live there
as well.
only on campsites offering pitches rented year-round, that is to say to a single customer
for the entire period when the campsite is open.
Classified hotels and campsites are classified according to the new classification
nomenclature implemented by the operator Atout France.
The distribution by star is not available for the 2013 vintage for hotels, because
the classification being paid, the distribution by star was not significant.
The information on other collective accommodation in the overseas departments is of
lower quality.
Since 2018, the field concerning other collective accommodation in the overseas departments
has been deleted. The workforce from other collective accommodation has been transferred
to hotels.
Unique electoral register
The unique electoral register covers all french territories except New Caledonia.
The scope concerns voters registered on the main electoral list.
The main electoral lists, maintained by the municipalities, record french voters associated
with them who are eligible to participate in elections governed by the provisions
of the electoral code, as well as any other consultations based on these lists.
Population censuses 2010, 2015, 2021: dissemination in the municipalities of France
outside Mayotte in geography on 2024;
Vital statistics: distribution to all municipalities in France in geography as of
Localized social and fiscal file (Filosofi): dissemination in the municipalities of
mainland France, Martinique and Reunion, in geography as of 01/01/2024;
All employees databases, file of employees at the place of residence: dissemination
in the municipalities of France excluding Mayotte with more than 2,000 inhabitants,
respecting specific thresholds, in geography as of 01/01/2024;
Localized Compensation and Employee Employment File (Flores): dissemination in the
municipalities of France outside Mayotte, in geography as of 01/01/2024;
Business Demography Information System (SIDE) - Business demography: distribution
to all municipalities in France, in geography as of 01/01/2024;
Directory of businesses and establishments (Sirene) - Business demography: distribution
to all municipalities in France, in geography as of 01/01/2022;
Insee, territorial partners for tourism data: dissemination to all municipalities
in France, geography as of 01/01/2024
Release threshold for the population census
The population census makes it possible to know the diversity and evolution of the
population of France.
Insee thus provides statistics on inhabitants and dwellings, their number and their
characteristics: distribution by sex and age, occupations, housing conditions, modes
of transport, commuting, etc.
Data from additional census holdings are not disseminated for areas less than 2 000
In addition, numbers below 200 should be handled with care, as it cannot be significant.
Particularity of Civil register data
The data, for the municipalities of Paris (75056), Lyon (69123) and Marseille (13055),
are presented for the entire municipality and for each municipal district.
For these municipalities, the municipal district of the domicile is not systematically
informed about the statistical bulletin.
Births are therefore only counted in the database at the level of the municipality
and not of the municipal district.
The sum of births in the arrondissements of Lyon (Marseille and Paris respectively)
is therefore not always equal to the number of births in the municipality of Lyon
(Marseille and Paris respectively).
Dissemination threshold and statistical confidentiality of the Localized Social and
Fiscal File (Filosofi)
Data from Filosofi are subject to statistical confidentiality. No statistics are
disseminated on very small areas (less than 50 households and less than 100 people).
Three indicators (median standard of living, counts in number of households and number
of people) are proposed for areas with more than 50 households or more than 100 people.
In the largest areas (more than 1,000 households or more than 2 000 people), all indicators
are generally offered.
They are also disseminated on the sub-populations associated with a socio-demographic
criterion (for example under 30 years) having a minimum number of at least 200 people
and at least 11 households.
Poverty rates are disseminated for areas with more than 1,000 households or more than
2 000 ppeople in which
there are at least 200 people and 11 poor households, as well as at least 200 people
and 11 households above the poverty line.
They are distributed to sub-populations associated with a socio-demographic criterion
(for example under 30s) with a minimum workforce of at least 200 people.
and at least 11 poor households and at least 200 people and at least 11 households
above the poverty line.
When the rates are in the ranges [0; 5] and [95; 100], the exact value is not displayed,
it is replaced by the values 5 % and 95 % respectively.
The components of disposable income are disseminated over areas over 1 000 households
or more than 2 000 people, provided that
for each of the income components there are at least 11 households for which the component
is non-zero.
Statistical confidentiality of the Bases All employees
Data from the All Employees Bases are subject to statistical confidentiality.
No statistics are released for areas less than 2 000 inhabitants.
Moreover, each box in the table must contain at least 5 employees and no employee
must represent more than 80 % of the box payroll.
These constraints lead to excluding from the dissemination the results of certain
areas of more than 2 000 inhabitants.
Warning on the nature of municipal data and their use for the localized file of remunerations
and salaried employment (Flores)
INSEE makes localized data from Flores available to the municipal level.
However, at this geographic scale, the results of this data warehouse have not been
validated by experts.
Each user is therefore called upon to exercise good judgment concerning the plausibility
and relevance of the results, in particular in limited geographic or sectoral fields.
As far as possible, the analyzes should focus on areas "of sufficient size" (several
thousand salaried positions), in order to
limit errors that could be due to occasional erroneous declarations by certain establishments.
Status of municipal data from Flores differs in particular from that of Employment
Estimates, which are subject to full validation by experts and
which are disseminated at a more aggregate level (department and employment area at
the finest).
In other words, the municipal data, in return for their finesse, do not benefit from
the same validation and adjustment framework.